Artist & Printmaker
Artist & Printmaker
Places Second in the “41st Annual Faber Birren National Color Award Show” juried by Michael Neumeister, Assistant Curator at the American Federation of Arts, New York.
Places First in St. Louis Artists’ Guild “Clearly Human IV” National Art Exhibition
Awarded in NYC for Third Place in International Art Show “Water”
“My work is the physical embodiment of an emotional experience and is an investigation of the self told in the media of printmaking. ”
D.L. Simmons Artist Statement
D.L. Simmons Artist Statement
For me it is important that the outside world is not simply viewed and represented by the artist but rather that is it viewed, assimilated, and interpreted by the artist. When objects and images from our everyday lives mingle with nuances of memory, the familiar becomes saturated with multiple layers of meaning and larger-than-life metaphorical significance. My work is a direct response to my life experiences, and although it does not directly reproduce any specific events, the imagery is made up of objects and icons that reflect and create narrative vignettes abstracted from my past experiences. I use my personal experiences as a vehicle to develop visual concepts.
My work is the physical embodiment of an emotional experience and is an investigation of the self told in the media of printmaking. As a whole, my work is a means for me to digest emotion and transform it into something tangible. I work through the printmaking process to develop a body of work that makes sense of emotional, cultural, and physical experiences.